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Design Practice: Workshops & Trainings

Throughout my career as an instructional designer, I designed, developed, and delivered multiple workshops and trainings for diverse audiences, such as faculty, staff, (graduate and undergraduate) students, and instructional designers. In designing, developing, and delivering these workshops and trainings, I ensured the following:


  • Adopt a culturally-responsive approach to the actual needs of organizations and learners

  • Use high-quality instructional materials that speak to the audience backgrounds and experience

  • Follow the principles of adult learning that aims to increase motivation and transfer


Examples of Workshops & Trainings I Designed and Delivered​
  1. I designed, developed, and delivered a workshop to faculty teaching at the IUB School of Public Health on Enhancing the Quality of Online Courses: Designing with Accessibility in Mind. This workshop engaged faculty in understanding accessibility standards based on the Quality Matters rubric, and how these standards can be applied to online course design, using Canvas LMS. Workshop Slidedeck (PDF) | Workshop Design Matrix (PDF)


  2. I designed, developed, and delivered a five-day training to circular developers working at a governmental security organization. This training engaged circular developers in understanding instructional design processes, methods, and tools. Upon the completion of the training, the participants were able to design online interactive courses use Articulate Storyline 3, and produce design documents. Training Design Matrix (PDF)

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